Asian restaurant in Vitoria

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Vitoria/Asian restaurant in Vitoria

Our directory includes 6 Asian restaurant in Vitoria. We only list verified local companies in Vitoria. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a asian restaurant in vitoria near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

Restaurante pattaya

Calle Ramon Ortiz de Zarate, 15
+34 945 29 26 37

Restaurante pattaya

Restaurante asiático “V7”

Bake kalea, 11
+34 945 30 39 14

Restaurante asiático “V7”

Restaurante Chino “City Oro”

Calle Pintor Diaz de Olano margolaria Kalea, 5
+34 945 14 60 93

Restaurante Chino “City Oro”

Restaurante Chino Lakua

Coronela Ibaibarriaga Kalea, 8
+34 945 17 21 63
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Restaurante Chino Lakua

Xilaidin Restaurante Wok

C. de los Herrán, 18, 14
+34 945 06 05 52
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Xilaidin Restaurante Wok

wok house

Ramiro de Maeztu Kalea, 2
+34 945 29 72 95

wok house
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