Turkish restaurant in Vigo

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Vigo/Turkish restaurant in Vigo

Our directory includes 7 Turkish restaurant in Vigo. We only list verified local companies in Vigo. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a turkish restaurant in vigo near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the cafe-restaurante-bar.es

Ali Döner Kebab

Av. de Castelao, 7
+34 886 11 75 35

Ali Döner Kebab

Kebab pizarro vigo

R. de Pizarro
+34 610 61 75 17
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Kebab pizarro vigo

Bombay Doner Kebab

Rúa Cervantes, 21
+34 986 12 88 95

Bombay Doner Kebab


Rúa de Urzaiz, 92
+34 986 05 70 63


Bouzas Doner Kebab

Tr.ª Tomás Paredes, 1, bajo 2
+34 886 29 84 20

Bouzas Doner Kebab

King Doner kebab

Rúa Manuel de Castro, 23, Bajo
+34 886 12 56 60

King Doner kebab

Taj Mahal

Rúa de Urzaiz, 106
+34 986 13 58 59
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Taj Mahal
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