Chinese restaurant in Sabadell

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Sabadell/Chinese restaurant in Sabadell

Our directory includes 8 Chinese restaurant in Sabadell. We only list verified local companies in Sabadell. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a chinese restaurant in sabadell near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

Restaurante Chang Sheng

Av. de la Concòrdia, 57
+34 937 23 77 05
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Restaurante Chang Sheng

China Town

Passeig de Rubió i Ors, 14
+34 937 10 00 71

China Town

Can Liu Menjar Ràpid

Carrer de Buxeda, 120

Can Liu Menjar Ràpid

Restaurante Nueva China Town

Carrer de Latorre, 27
+34 937 12 00 88

Restaurante Nueva China Town

Cassola d´Or Sabadell

Ronda d'Europa, 524
+34 937 46 22 21

Cassola d´Or Sabadell

Nihao Can Llong

Av. d'Estrasburg, 40
+34 937 23 11 96

Nihao Can Llong

Restaurant City Hong Kong

Av. Onze de Setembre, 150
+34 937 23 39 65

Restaurant City Hong Kong

Restaurante Chino Feliz

Carrer de Francesc Bellapart, 1
+34 937 16 84 76
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Restaurante Chino Feliz
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