Restaurant specialized in tapas in Murcia

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Murcia/Restaurant specialized in tapas in Murcia

Our directory includes 5 Restaurant specialized in tapas in Murcia. We only list verified local companies in Murcia. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a restaurant specialized in tapas in murcia near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

Trebol Ronda Sur

C. Rda. Sur, 18
+34 968 89 75 72
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Trebol Ronda Sur

Las Mulas

C. Ruipérez, 5
+34 868 07 66 08

Las Mulas

Mesón Florida

C. Floridablanca, 23
+34 637 52 42 00

Mesón Florida

La Cangreja Mercado Correos

La Cangreja Casual Food, C. Pintor Villacis, 3

La Cangreja Mercado Correos

La tapa que engancha

Av. Ciclista Mariano Rojas, 4
+34 633 82 03 07

La tapa que engancha
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