Tavern in Gijón

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Gijón/ Tavern in Gijón

Our directory includes 5 Tavern in Gijón. We only list verified local companies in Gijón. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a tavern in gijón near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the cafe-restaurante-bar.es

Taberna La Bicha 985

Av. Roces, 985
+34 984 28 90 41

Taberna La Bicha 985

La Sartén

Calle Sta. Doradía, 24
+34 984 49 30 90

La Sartén

Restaurante La Bodega de Miguel

Calle Dindurra, 39
+34 985 33 37 57

Restaurante La Bodega de Miguel

Restaurante la Galerna

Av de Galicia, 82
+34 985 09 96 52

Restaurante la Galerna

Casa Alegría

Calle Instituto, 22
+34 984 50 24 41

Casa Alegría
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