Turkish restaurant in Córdoba

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Córdoba/Turkish restaurant in Córdoba

Our directory includes 8 Turkish restaurant in Córdoba. We only list verified local companies in Córdoba. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a turkish restaurant in córdoba near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the cafe-restaurante-bar.es

Indian Kebab y Bar

+34 957 94 11 53

Indian Kebab y Bar

Cheff kebap

Gta. Amadora, Local 2
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Cheff kebap

Kebab Chef

Av. Al-Nasir, 23
+34 957 74 27 36
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Kebab Chef

Kebab Córdoba

C. Alcalde Sanz Noguer, 27
+34 957 39 06 16

Kebab Córdoba

Laor kebab 2

Poeta Blanco Criado, 1
+34 957 39 40 54

Laor kebab 2

Alvin Doner Kebab

Av. del Arcángel, s/n, Local 27A
+34 957 94 87 95
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Alvin Doner Kebab

Doner Kebabish

Av. Virgen de los Dolores, 14
+34 613 88 17 16
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Doner Kebabish

Kebab El Río (Halal) (comida halal)

C. Rda. de los Mártires, 7
+34 957 94 18 78
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Kebab El Río (Halal) (comida halal)
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