Basque restaurant in Alicante

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Alicante/Basque restaurant in Alicante

Our directory includes 4 Basque restaurant in Alicante. We only list verified local companies in Alicante. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a basque restaurant in alicante near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

El Norte

Av. de la Condomina, 58
+34 865 72 16 75

El Norte

Restaurante Gastronómica Egun

C. Jazmín, 38
+34 965 25 41 56
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Restaurante Gastronómica Egun


Av. de Niza, 4, Local 1
+34 965 16 19 92
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María Luisa Restaurante

C. de la Virgen del Socorro, 66
+34 680 46 03 72

María Luisa Restaurante
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