Pastry shop in Alicante

Cafe Restaurante Bar/Alicante/Pastry shop in Alicante

Our directory includes 9 Pastry shop in Alicante. We only list verified local companies in Alicante. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a pastry shop in alicante near youCafe Restaurante Bar Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the

La Mousse de Alan S.L.

Centro Comercial Gran Via, Jacinto Maganet Gomis, Local 12
+34 965 91 01 41
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La Mousse de Alan S.L.

Pastelería Prefiero Sussu

Av. Pintor Baeza, 3
+34 965 24 00 47
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Pastelería Prefiero Sussu

Salt in Cake – cheesecake, cinnamon roll and cookie

C. San Francisco, 61
+34 865 51 70 15
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Salt in Cake – cheesecake, cinnamon roll and cookie

Pastelería Cafetería “Salt In Cake”

Av. Historiador Vicente Ramos, 28, local 5
+34 865 68 90 07
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Pastelería Cafetería “Salt In Cake”

Pastelería Bake Room

Gta. del Músico Emilio Álvarez Antón, 4
+34 623 50 16 50
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Pastelería Bake Room

döölze | Pastelería en Alicante

C. Cdad. de Toyooka, 5
+34 966 30 08 68
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döölze | Pastelería en Alicante


C/ Italia, 23
+34 637 28 40 28


Lyere | Pastelería y Cafetería

Carrer Pintor Aparicio, 9
+34 611 89 87 71

Lyere | Pastelería y Cafetería

CuCu’s Bakery

C. Sacerdote Isidro Albert, 20, Local 2A
+34 624 20 28 95

CuCu’s Bakery
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